Sapphire NC Plus
Coronary Dilatation Catheter
Controlled Strength and Superb
Deliverability for Unyielding Lesions
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HIPP Material for Robustness and High Pressure
Tolerance when Handling Calcified Lesions
HIgh Pressure Performance Material

High RBP to withstand high pressure inflation against calcified lesions
Minimal Circumferential and Longitudinal
Growth for Accuracy and Safety
Controlled % balloon growth
from NP to RBP
Reliable sizing accuracy after repeated use
Minimal balloon elongation
from NP to RBP*
Minimized chances of edge or ‘dog-bone’ effect
HIST Tip For Smooth Lesion Entry
TiFo Folding Process for Good Re-crossability
G-70-1107 Rev01
CSI is a registered trademark belonging to Cardiovascular Systems, Inc.